(1) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于“功能-需求-流”的城市绿色空间生态系统服务精细模拟及权衡研究(41701171),2018-2020,参加
(2) 浙江省自然科学基金基础公益研究计划,大数据支持下浙江省休闲农业地理区划关键技术研究(LGN18D010002),2018-2020,参加
(3) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,复杂网络上移动个体的合作行为研究(20YJCZH077),2020-2022,参加
(1) Lin Lin, Hongzhen Jia, Yi Pan, et al. Exploring the Patterns and Mechanisms of Reclaimed Arable Land Utilization under the Requisition-Compensation Balance Policy in Wenzhou, China[J]. Sustainability. 2018, 10(1), 75.
(2) Lin Lin, Ziran Ye, Muye Gan, et al. Quality Perspective on the Dynamic Balance of Cultivated Land in Wenzhou, China[J]. Sustainability. 2017, 9, 95.
(3) Yue Su, Kui Qian, Lin Lin, et al. Identifying the driving forces of non-grain production expansion in rural China and its implications for policies on cultivated land protection[J]. Land Use Policy. 2020, 92: 104435.
(4) AmirReza Shahtahmassebi, Lin Yue, Lin Lin, et al. Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA[J]. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(7):682.
(5) Yi Pan, Manyu Zhai, Lin Lin, et al. Characterizing the spatiotemporal evolutions and impact of rapid urbanization on island sustainable development[J]. Habitat International. 2016, 53: 215-227.
(6) AmirReza Shahtahmassebi*, Yi Pan, Lin Lin, et al. Implications of land use policy on impervious surface cover change in Cixi County, Zhejiang Province, China[J]. Cities. 2014, 39: 21-36.
Lin Lin, female, PhD,lecturer, graduated from the College of Environmental&Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University.
Main researchdirections: land management, land useand spatial planning
Research Projects:
(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Modeling ecosystem services and trade-offs of urban green space basedon the framework of capacity, demand, and flow(No. 41701171), 2018-2020, Co-investigator.
(2) Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,KeyTechnologiesforLeisureAgricultureGeographical Regionalization of Zhejiang Province Based on Big Data(No. LGN18D010002),2018-2020, Co-investigator.
(3) Human Social Science Foundation of the Chinese Ministry of Education, Research on cooperative behavior of Mobile Individuals on complex Networks(No. 20YJCZH077), 2020-2022, Co-investigator.
(1) Lin Lin, Hongzhen Jia, Yi Pan, et al. Exploring the Patterns and Mechanisms of Reclaimed Arable Land Utilization under the Requisition-Compensation Balance Policy in Wenzhou, China[J]. Sustainability. 2018, 10(1), 75.
(2) Lin Lin, Ziran Ye, Muye Gan, et al. Quality Perspective on the Dynamic Balance of Cultivated Land in Wenzhou, China[J]. Sustainability. 2017, 9, 95.
(3) Yue Su, Kui Qian, Lin Lin, et al. Identifying the driving forces of non-grain production expansion in rural China and its implications for policies on cultivated land protection[J]. Land Use Policy. 2020, 92: 104435.
(4) AmirReza Shahtahmassebi, Lin Yue, Lin Lin, et al. Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA[J]. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(7):682.
(5) Yi Pan, Manyu Zhai, Lin Lin, et al. Characterizing the spatiotemporal evolutions and impact of rapid urbanization on island sustainable development[J]. Habitat International. 2016, 53: 215-227.
(6) AmirReza Shahtahmassebi*, Yi Pan, Lin Lin, et al. Implications of land use policy on impervious surface cover change in Cixi County, Zhejiang Province, China[J]. Cities. 2014, 39: 21-36.