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1. 明清与近现代佛教、近现代中国道教、日本佛教

2. 亚洲哲学思想与物理学的对话

3. 科学哲学(前沿物理学之哲学)、理论物理学(量子力学、超弦理论)、


《Arts & Communication》《Millah: Journal of Religious Studies》《religions》《佛光学报》等刊物审稿人。


2020-2021,The Heirs of Peach Spring: Daoist Frameworks for Chinese Village Culture. (Hong Kong General Research Fund, Project ref # 15608820.)


1. An, Saiping. 2025. Poon Chung-kwong’s (b. 1940) Apologetic Discourse Towards the Compatibility Between Pure Land Buddhism and Natural Science. Religions 16.2: 175. (A&HCI期刊)

2. An, Saiping. 2025. In Search of an Encounter with the Sacred: The Taoist Hermits in Contemporary China. Preprints. 2025021859.

3. Liu, Yingxu 刘盈序, and Saiping An. 2024. The Tension Between Buddhism and Science Within Contemporary Chinese Buddhists: A Case Study on the Religious Conversion Narrative Among Monastics in Larung Gar Buddhist Academy. Religions 15.11: 1407. (A&HCI期刊;通讯作者)

4. 安赛平,Sealed Confinement: An Ascetic Practice Adopted by Buddhist Monastics along the Grand Canal in Modern China, 第三届大运河佛教文化论文集,2024年11月。(会议论文/Conference Paper)

5. 安赛平, 《蕅益智旭净土教说在江户日本的接受状况研究》,《宗教》,2024年第4期,页56-61。(人大复印报刊资料全文转载; 原文载CSSCI源刊《宗教学研究》2024年第1期,页139-143)

6. An, Saiping. 2024. The Apologetic Discourse towards the Convergence between Pure Land Buddhism and Science of the Contemporary Chinese Buddhist Monk Da An (1959-). Religions 15.7: 810. (A&HCI期刊)

7. An, Saiping. 2024. The Reception and Transformation of Ippen (1234-1289)’s Religious Tenets and Practices by Enju Kato (1919–2021) and Shōjōkō-ji. Religions 15.3: 277. (A&HCI期刊)

8. 安赛平,The Reception and Transformation of Shingon Buddhism in Contemporary Hong Kong, 第二届青年学者工作坊“佛教的区域研究与普遍性议题”论文,2023年12月。(会议论文/Conference Paper)

9. 安赛平,The Contributions of Historical Buddhist Figures Along the Grand Canal to the Expansion of Buddhism in Modern Hong Kong, 之江问道·泽润临平:大运河佛教文化研讨会论文集,2023年11月。(会议论文/Conference Paper)

10. An, Saiping. 2023. The Perspective on Peace-Making of the Contemporary Chinese Buddhist Monk Jinghui 淨慧 (1933–2013). Religions 14.8: 1067.(A&HCI期刊)

11. An, Saiping. 2023. The Reception of the Mantra of Light in Republican Period Chinese Buddhism. Religions 14.7: 818. (A&HCI期刊)

12. 安赛平,《晚明清初密教与净土教的交涉》,之江问道·泽润临平:宗教中国化区域佛教历史与当代实践研讨会论文集,2022年。(会议论文/Conference Paper)

13. 安赛平,《呪文は話頭である:明末清初仏教における禅と密教の会通》,《佛光学报》,2022 年第1期,页 201-241。

14. 安赛平,《云栖袾宏的念佛思想在江户日本的流传与接受》,《法音》,2021年第5期,页61-66。

15. 安赛平,《论明末清初天台观法与咒语行持的会通——以天溪受登的《准提三昧行法》为中心》,《法音》,2020年第9期,页10-14。


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