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Han Chaozhong

Date:Tue, Dec 11 2018 21:17ClickTimes:

Han chaozhong, male, lecturer, doctor of philosophy.Main research directions:Pre-qin thoughts of various sons; Buddhist philosophy; Yi-ology.

Learning experience

In June 2006: bachelor of arts, Jilin university; In June 2009, master of philosophy of Jilin university; In June 2015, doctor of philosophy of Jilin university.

Academic papers:

1. Research on education of modern huayan zong, religious teaching, 4th issue, 2015;

2. Development of modern Chinese yan yixue, religious studies, spring 2016;

3. "an analysis of buddhist seed" in Tibet, journal of hubei institute of nationalities (philosophy and social science edition), 2014;

4. Analysis of huayan-yixue interpretation of fong dongmei's sino-western conference, journal of hubei institute of nationalities (philosophy and social science edition), 2015.


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