1. 爱情与死亡背后的欲望书写——重读《 丽姬娅》 《译林》 2011年第3期
2.一个"不在场"的他者叙事 《北京第二外国语学院学报》2011.33(4)
—— 《丽姬娅》的现代阐释
3. 《庞德诗章中的荒原和救赎》2011.2 西南农业大学学报
4. 论庞德的自然观 《译林》2009年第3期
5. 庞德《诗章》中的“人间天堂”解读 《名作欣赏》 2008年第16期
6. 《长春师范学院学报》2007年第9期 庞德诗作中的女性形象解读
7.《绍兴文理学院学报》2004.4 中国古典诗作颜色词翻译初探
Brief Introduction:
Du Yujing graduated from Foreign Language Department at Zhejiang University and got MA. During more than 20 years of teaching, Mainly engaged in English language and literature research, As a visiting scholar, she visited Hongkong University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, University of Toronto.
Published some papers :
1.“Desire Writing under the Text of Love and Death-- Reinterpretation of Ligeia” ( Translations-A Bimonthly of foreign literature, 2011,3 ISSN 1001-1897)
2.“Narration of An Absent “The 0ther” ----- A Modern Interpretation of Ligeia”(Journal of Beijing International Studies University ISSN 1003-6539 2011.4 )
3.“The Wasteland” and “Rescue” in Pond’s Cantos (Juurnal of Southwest Agricultural University 2011.2 ISSN 1003-6539)
4.Ecological Wisdom in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos ( Translations-A Bimonthly of foreign literature, 2009.3 ISSN 1001-1897)
5.An Interpretation of “Earthly Paradise” in Ezra Pond’s Cantos (Masterpiece Review.2009.16 ISSN 1006-0189)
6.Analyzing the Images of Females in Pound. s Poetry (Journal of Changchun Normal University)