(4) 参与浙江大学学科预研项目,社会变迁中的政治信任与传播体系变革,2020.09-2022.08
(1)Su, Z., Zhou, Q., Ye, Y., & Li, D. How the Media Construct Happiness under Cultural Perspective in China: Through Collectivistic and Individualistic Values. Social Science Quarterly. 2021, 102(6), 2619-2639 (SSCI).
(2)Chen D., Zhou Q, Pratt CB., Su Z., & Gu Z. Investigating the Relationships Between Public Health Literacy and Public Trust in Physicians in China’s Control of COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2021, 9:758529 (SSCI; SCI).
(3)Su Z., Su S., & Zhou Q*. Government Trust in a Time of Crisis: Survey Evidence at the Beginning of the Pandemic in China. China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China. 2021, 21(2): 87-115 (SSCI, 通讯作者).
(4)周倩、卜晓珊. 家国情怀: 电视使用如何增强了幸福感[J].阴山学刊,2021, 34(2): 60-68.
Zhou Qian, female, Ph.D., faculty member at the College of Humanities and Foreign Languages, China Jiliang University. She graduated from the School of Public Administration at Zhejiang University and pursued a doctoral visit to the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago. Her main research interests include social change, cultural values, and fertility intentions, etc.
Research Projects
(1) Participated in the major project of the National Social Science Fund, “Media System and Social Trust”, since September 2019.
(2) Participated in the key project of the Philosophy and Social Science Planning of Zhejiang Province, “Research on Value Changes in Chinese Social Transformation”, from August 2019 to December 2022.
(3) Participated in the key project of the Philosophy and Social Science Planning of Zhejiang Province, “Research on Social Change and Social Trust”, from November 2016 to July 2018.
(4) Participated in the disciplinary pre-research project of Zhejiang University, “Political Trust and Communication System Transformation in Social Change”, from September 2020 to August 2022.
Published Papers
(1) Su, Z., Zhou, Q., Ye, Y., & Li, D. How the Media Construct Happiness under Cultural Perspective in China: Through Collectivistic and Individualistic Values. Social Science Quarterly. 2021, 102(6), 2619-2639 (SSCI).
(2) Chen D., Zhou Q, Pratt CB., Su Z., & Gu Z. Investigating the Relationships Between Public Health Literacy and Public Trust in Physicians in China’s Control of COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2021, 9:758529 (SSCI; SCI).
(3) Su Z., Su S., & Zhou Q*. Government Trust in a Time of Crisis: Survey Evidence at the Beginning of the Pandemic in China. China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China. 2021, 21(2): 87-115 (SSCI, corresponding author).
(4) Zhou Qian, Bu Xiaoshan. Patriotism: How Television Use Enhances Happiness. Yinshan Academic Journal, 2021, 34(2): 60-68.
Research Awards
First Prize at the Zhejiang Province Communication Studies Annual Conference and the High-end Forum on “Integrated Media Development: Marginal Expansion and Mechanism Innovation”, 1/2.